Get Out Get Active:
Personal Development Fund

Funding is available for LGBT+ individuals who aren’t currently active or at the start of their personal journey to take part in physical activity or sport (of any kind).

Personal grants towards physical activity sessions, personal training, mentorship or memberships are available. Individuals can sign up to be part of the programme, set their goals and receive funding for a period of time to support achieving these. Working alongside Liverpool City Council and Activity Alliance, this funding is now available to support and encourage LGBT+ people to get more involved in physical activity and to support the creation and growth of LGBT+ friendly teams, facilities and groups in Liverpool.

We encourage applications from projects that represent the broad diversity of the LGBT+ Community and that support groups that may be more marginalised groups within it. We will consider each application on its merits in order to ensure that the funding and those benefiting from it are as diverse as possible.

All funds are now open and will close on the 1st December.

Successful grants will be informed by the end of the following week, if not before.

*Please read all terms and conditions below before applying.

Fund Terms & Conditions

We will consider grants towards personal development costs an individual will encounter when trying to get active – such as (but not limited to physical activity sessions, personal training, mentorship or memberships are available). We are looking to fund individuals who are not already active, or who are at the start of their journey in getting active and who would benefit from support.

When you apply, we will ask you what you are looking to be funded for and when you are looking to do this.We are looking to fund individuals for a short period of time to help you start your journey between now and the New Year – for example, a series of 4 1-2-1 personal training sessions in November, a gym membership in December with less funded sessions and then ongoing gym membership for a short period of time while you build your confidence.

Applicants can apply for up to £200 to fund personal costs of getting active – however, we suggest that the full amount is not applied for as demand is expected to be high.

Applications must be received by 5pm on 1st December 2023. LCR Pride Foundation and judges reserve the right to award grants earlier than the closing date of the fund

The judging panel is made up of representatives from LCR Pride Foundation and Liverpool City Council.

All funds granted from GOGA funding should be spent or totally committed by the 31st December 2023. The end-of-grant feedback must be completed by the 20th January 2024.

Applications are open to individuals. If you are a group of individuals this can still be applied for separately, but please let us know in your application or by email to

Funded initiatives must be delivered for the benefit of residents of the city of Liverpool. We do appreciate that some physical/activity may take place outside of the city based on location of facilities or spaces. Organisations with a larger regional or national remit will be required to demonstrate that the funding will only be spent within the region.

We are happy to consider applications from those under 18, however the application must be supported by a guarantor organisation that will hold the money on your behalf. If you do not have an organisation to do so, please get in touch to be connected to one of our partners.

We expect all applications to include the appropriate policies and risk assessments (where applicable) that are needed for the delivery of the project – such as your Safeguarding policy. You may be asked to provide or create these before funding is awarded.


  • We cannot fund projects that negatively target a specific person, group or organisation.
  • We are not able to fund organisations that carry a risk of bringing our organisation, or our funders, into disrepute.
  • We cannot fund any individuals or organisations that are financial debtors to LCR Pride Foundation or have not returned monitoring information for previous funds.


To ensure that funding is used for what it is awarded and to measure the impact of this we require all successful applicants to update us on progress and submit a final report at the end of the project.

Our monitoring been kept as simple as possible and will consist of a quarterly ‘keeping in touch’ meeting or call with the delivery team and a end-of-grant form where you will confirm statistics like:

  • How the project has met the outcomes you set in your application,
  • How many people the project supported,
  • Where those the project supported are from in Liverpool,
  • Where possible the demographics of those your project has supported,


We also encourage all applicants to share other more detailed evidence where possible such as case studies/stories from the project, testimonials, photos and video evidence and marketing coverage.

All successful applicants are required to keep clear financial records and demonstrate that the funding has been spent in line with the application including seeking approval and to justify any significant differences from this. Unspent funding at the end of the project must be returned to the fund.